Monday, May 25, 2009

Hi All

Will I did the run in 30.46 minutes, not to bad at all.
Thanks to everyone who donated. You helped me raise $1,422.00 to support the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign, Great Job everyone.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Hi all,

If you haven't noticed I have not been out for about the last week. My knees have been a bit sore because of the running so I decided to take a break so I would be good for the final week of training before the big day. I was out today and time was a bit slower than normal but going to be at it all week and will have a great run on the day of the race. Seed you soon.

Click here to Donate!

Please follow this link to sponser me in my fundraising efforts. Every dollar counts so you can make a secure on-line donation directly to me at


Saturday, May 2, 2009

A rainly Saturday morning but it felt nice to run in. Blue Nose is just around the corner, only 15 more days. Fund raising is going well, thanks to all the D's who have supported recently, Donna, Deb & Pete, and the Deans, you guys are the best.
See you all soon,

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hi there again,
What a beautiful day, was out for a run first thing this morning and now I am off to work for the day. Exactly 19 days to Blue Nose and all is going well.

Check out the new video.

See you again soon

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Doesn't everyone love the rain??? I have not been out in it today but I am going to brave the elements later on this evening. Training has been going well, Times are getting BETTER. I took the day off on April 20th and was back at it yesterday with basically the same time as the previous day.
Stay tuned for a new video and pictures, I will be doing some updates in a day or two.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Chilly Morning

It was a chilly morning out there, but as you can see my time has improved a bit. It is getting a little easier every day. Check out the video below, it is better quality than yesterdays because it was light out this morning when I took it. Too bad my arms weren't longer so the video wouldn't be so close. My friend Big Head will be impressed because my head looks as big as his in the video - Just Kidding Big Head........ See you all tomorrow!

Bye for Now! John

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

See Time Trials

Hello Again,
As you can see to the right, (look over there now) I have started to track my times for the 5k. I am a person that needs to see progress, the better the time the more motivated I am to get back out there the next day. I know they are not very fast now but track my progress, they will hopefully get better every day that I run. As you can see I have already posted my time for today April 15th. I was up early and finished my run by 6am. If I could only be motivated like that every day. See you soon!

Thanks John

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Continuing The Journey

Hello Again,

The fundraising is going well! Thanks to all who have donated so far.

The training on the other hand is a bit tougher, but I am plugging away. Now that the weather is nicer the training has moved from the treadmill to a place where I am more comfortable - The Great Outdoors! Living close to Lake Banook provides me with a great place to train. I believe once around the lake is just over 3km, so that has been my starting point. Let me tell you it is much easier to drive around the lake than to run around it, but it is much nicer now that the ice has melted on the lake.

I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes that is the theme of my training. Unfortunately I do not know who wrote it.

"If you CAN'T you are already done. If you say you CAN, you have atleast begun!"

Thanks John