Thursday, April 9, 2009

Continuing The Journey

Hello Again,

The fundraising is going well! Thanks to all who have donated so far.

The training on the other hand is a bit tougher, but I am plugging away. Now that the weather is nicer the training has moved from the treadmill to a place where I am more comfortable - The Great Outdoors! Living close to Lake Banook provides me with a great place to train. I believe once around the lake is just over 3km, so that has been my starting point. Let me tell you it is much easier to drive around the lake than to run around it, but it is much nicer now that the ice has melted on the lake.

I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes that is the theme of my training. Unfortunately I do not know who wrote it.

"If you CAN'T you are already done. If you say you CAN, you have atleast begun!"

Thanks John

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